CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today’s focus is all about consistency and enduring through a solid 40-minute workout. We’ve been building up to this by incorporating longer segments in our previous 40-minute EMOM sessions. But today’s challenge is a bit different. Instead of those quick bursts of intensity, we’re shifting gears. Athletes...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We have a longer, chipper style workout on the docket today to be done in a two part format. The first portion will be done in smaller rep ranges for 3 rounds, before hitting part two which is the true chipper of a single set higher volume...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We have a fun strength superset today with the goal of starting minute 1 with either the Deadlift or the Push Press. We are assuming that most classes will need to run this one with members sharing bars, so one partner should start on one movement while...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We have a fun strength superset today with the goal of starting minute 1 with either the Deadlift or the Push Press. We are assuming that most classes will need to run this one with members sharing bars, so one partner should start on one movement while...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) The focus of the day will be on the Ring Muscle-Up. We are working into an 18:00 minute AMRAP with a triplet of Ring Muscle-Ups + Cal Echo + Double Unders. By combining the Ring Muscle-Ups in this fashion we are allowing for the ability to focus...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today’s primary focus centers around honing our weightlifting skills, specifically concentrating on the Power Snatch. Our training will lead us to handle heavy loads in the Power Snatch, progressively building up to 90% of our capacity. This progression spans 15 reps, starting from 5 repetitions and decreasing...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today’s session introduces a challenging battery workout that focuses on the barbell, particularly the Clean and Jerk. Here’s the strategy behind it: Heavy Percentage Work with the Row: We’re combining heavy percentage work with the Rowing machine to create an effective conditioning workout. While this type of...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today’s session is all about achieving a well-rounded blend of upper body absolute strength work, high-skill development, muscular stamina, and intensity. Here’s what we’re aiming for: We’re starting with a focus on heavy Bench Press, but there’s a twist. We’ve reduced the overall rest time between sets,...Read More