Announcements We are moving to Push Press! Make sure you are checking your email for updates! Email Matt (
[email protected]) if you are having any issues! CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm Up (No Measure) 2:00 Machine of choice Burgener Warm-up (No Measure) BURGENER WARM-UP: 1. Down and “Finish” 2. Elbows High and Outside 3. Muscle Snatch 4. Snatch Lands at 2″, 4″, 6″ 5. Snatch Drops SKILL TRANSFER EXERCISES: 1. Snatch Push Press 2. Overhead Squat 3. Heaving Snatch Balance 4. Snatch Balance without a dip 5. Snatch Balance with a dip Power Snatch (5×2) 16 minutes Take 6 minutes to build to 75-80% of your power snatch then: E2MOM x 5 2 Reps Power Snatch Metcon (Time) 20 Minutes GPP 4 Rounds 400m run 4 rope climbs 6 power Snatch 135/95 Competitor 4 Rounds 400m run 4 legless rope climbs 6 power Snatch 155/105 20 minute Time cap
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