Announcements This is our last week on Wodify! We are moving to Push Press! Make sure you are checking your email for updates! Email Matt ([email protected]) if you are having any issues! CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up (AMRAP – Reps) 3min cardio 2 sets: 5 inchworm with push up 5/5 world greatest stretch Down dog toe touches Then 3 sets: 8 goblet squats 2 sec pause 8 KB swings 4 burpees to plate 20 plate hops Metcon (Time) Teams of 2 GPP For Time 50 cal c2 30 Toes to Bar 30 Cleans (135/105) 50 cal c2 30 Toes to Bar 60 DB Snatch (50/35) 50 cal c2 30 Toes to Bar 30 Burpee Pull-ups COMP For Time 60 cal echo 50 Toes to Bar 30 Clean (185/135) 60 cal echo 50 Toes to Bar 30 DB Snatch (70/50) 60 cal echo 50 Toes to Bar 30...
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Announcements We are moving to Push Press! Make sure you are checking your email for updates! Email Matt ([email protected]) if you are having any issues! CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Fight Gone Bad Fight Gone Bad – How should I approach this? **1. Pace Yourself: Steady Start: Begin each station at a controlled pace to avoid burnout. Aim for consistent reps rather than an all-out effort that could lead to early fatigue. Breathing: Focus on rhythmic breathing to keep your heart rate manageable and to maintain energy throughout the workout. **2. Prioritize Movements: Strengths First: Tackle the movements you’re most comfortable with first, allowing you to maximize your score on those stations. Time Management: Spend slightly more time on your strong movements but don’t neglect others; aim for a balanced effort across all stations. **3. Transition Quickly: Efficient Movement: Minimize downtime between transitions to maximize working time. Have...
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Announcements We are moving to Push Press! Make sure you are checking your email for updates! Email Matt ([email protected]) if you are having any issues! CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Recover? Today is a choose-your-intensity day. If you’re coming 5 days this week, today is a great day to dial back the intensity and just get some work done over time. If today is one of a few days you can make it, push yourself. Look for negative splits, getting a little faster each time with your last set your highest intensity. Warm Up / Mobility Work (No Measure) Mobility Work Couch Stretch 1:00 each leg Pigeon stretch 1:00 each leg Runners 1:00 each side Seated split hamstring 1:00 each side Downward Dog 3 x :15 Kneeling hip flexor stretch 1:00 each side Conditioning (3 Rounds for time) Every 10:00 x 3 GPP 1000/800m Ski or 2000/1600m C2...
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Announcements We are moving to Push Press! Make sure you are checking your email for updates! Email Matt ([email protected]) if you are having any issues! CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Benchmark 2 Preparing for Fran.. Can one prepare or do we just go for broke and see what happens? We can prepare.. Once you’re through the warmup you’ve got an EMOM to use to build up movement intensity. Start with just the bar and keep reps LIGHT, for some even PVC. By the last minute of the EMOM you should be at least 70% of your workout weight, and then do one final set of 5 at full weight, and 5 quick pullups. Follow this and as always listen to how you feel and you’ll be ready to SMASH this workout! Warm Up (No Measure) Mobility 1:00 Left/Right each Couch 1:00 Left/Right each Pigeon AMRAP 4 :10 Machine...
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Announcements We are moving to Push Press! Make sure you are checking your email for updates! Email Matt ([email protected]) if you are having any issues! CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Double Under Day Working on double under skills improves coordination, cardiovascular endurance, and agility, making it an essential component of functional fitness. Mastering this skill enhances your ability to perform high-intensity workouts efficiently, boosting both your confidence and performance in this whole CrossFit thing we do ! Warm Up (No Measure) 400m run 3 rounds 10 Plate ground to overhead 25/15 5 Burpee to plate 10/8 cal bike Double Under Skills (No Measure) Skill Drills 2:00 : Single Unders with High Jump: Perform single unders but jump higher than usual to simulate the height needed for double-unders. Focus on maintaining a consistent rhythm and form. 2:00: Single, Single, Double Drill: Perform two single unders followed by one double-under....
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