CrossFit – Mon, Feb 5

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

The focus of the day will be on the Ring Muscle-Up. We are working into an 18:00 minute AMRAP with a triplet of Ring Muscle-Ups + Cal Echo + Double Unders. By combining the Ring Muscle-Ups in this fashion we are allowing for the ability to focus and be more consistent on the rings with little to no interference. The goal from a coaching standpoint is to set up our athletes with the tools to practice and play today with some progressions that will help them feel strong and encouraged. We should have about 15:00 minutes to go through progressions for the day and a good way to work this one would be to start with some ring support drills, then to some low ring transition drills with the box and / or band modifications. Finally we can move up to the high rings and go through what we want to see from the ring swing, transition, and go through some spotted muscle-ups for those that are close.

Once we have gone through our progressions, it is about finding the correct scale and movement modification that will keep athletes moving consistently for the entire 18:00 minutes in order to ensure we are truly engaged and working for the full 18:00 minutes. When we choose options that are too challenging and rest too much during the workout, we will limit our overall progress with conditioning efforts.

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets

:30 Echo Bike

2-3 Strict Pull-ups

5 Bar or Ring Kip Swings

10 Alternating V-Ups

20 Line Hops

Gymnastics Skills and Drills (No Measure)

Ring Muscle-Up Skill Progression

Scaling the Ring Muscle-Up

-Choose and Option that best suits your athletes needs today. We can move to a scaled Ring Muscle-Up over just going to Strict Pull-Ups and Dips, depending on the athletes needs

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



3 Bar Muscle-Ups

9/7 Calorie Echo

45 Double Unders



6 Ring Muscle-Ups

12/9 Calorie Echo

54 Double Unders
We can also modify with Strict Pull-ups and Ring Dips

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

4 Sets : For Quality

10-12 Inverted Rows

10-12 Glute Bridge Dumbbell Pull-Overs

:30 Second Handstand Hold

Rest as needed between sets