CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today, is definitely focused on the upper body, with 5 quality big strength sets of Bench Press, followed by a high interference triplet of Toe to Bar Shoulder to Overhead and Wall Balls. The goal being to target absolute strength in our main strength piece, then work...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We are starting off the day with a little Power Snatch complex to target speed strength and power, while also reinforcing great technique. The goal today is to end the complex somewhere around 85-90% of your 1RM Power Snatch. Specific modifications on the day should be made...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Sets 250/200m Row 10 PVC Pass Throughs 10/10 second PVC Pipe Prayer Stretch 5/5 Single Arm Kettlebell Windmills 5/5 Kettlebell Halos 30 second Jump Rope Practice Into Barbell Primer (2x through) 3 Pause Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch (Pause at Knee) 3 Snatch Pull with Pause...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We are starting off the day with 5 sets on our Back Squat performed on a 2:00 minute clock. The percentages today should allow for all good strong sets across and the rest period being in the range of 1:30-1:45 between sets will be sufficient to hit...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard warmup (No Measure) 3 sets 100m air runner 10 cal bike erg 10 deadlifts w/ DB 25′ burpee broad jump R Strength (No Measure) 5 x Deadlift x 3 ss/w Split squats 5 each leg (w/ DB) R Conditioning (No Measure) AMRAP 9 250m row 6 burpee shuttle...Read More
Announcements Mobility for the OPEN w/ Dr. Nick Curtis Saturday, Feb 24th 10:15am Cost: Free! Just sign up at the front Join Chiropractor Nick Curtis as he works with us on the “How to’s” when prepping our shoulders for a healthy and safe Open Season CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Sets 200m...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Sets 200m Run 5/5 Pendulum Lunges 10 Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swings 10 Mountain Climber to Lunge Stretch Into.. 3 Sets 20 second Stationary Banded Sprint Rest 40 seconds between banded sprints Metcon (Time) 2 Rounds For Time w/ Partner 800m Run 50 Burpees to Target, 6...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We are getting into a higher skill day with the focus on the Ring Muscle-Up as well as touching on weightlifting technique and barbell cycling. The focus of our weightlifting piece today is to target the range of 70-75% to focus on form and speed on the...Read More