CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Rounds 12/9 Calorie Row 20/20 second Samson Stretch 8 Scapular Pull-Ups + 8 Bar Kip Swings 9/7 Calorie Ski Toes to Bar Skill Progression (No Measure) Skills and Progression Toe to Bar Technique and Efficiency -Kip Swing, Hollow to Arch positions -Strict Knee Raises to maximum height...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today kicks off with a dynamic Snatch Complex, designed to enhance power and efficiency, particularly through the midsection of the lift. We’ll start with the Power Snatch to cultivate powerful hip extension. This phase is all about generating momentum and strength from the ground up. Next, we’ll...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today kicks off with a dynamic Snatch Complex, designed to enhance power and efficiency, particularly through the midsection of the lift. We’ll start with the Power Snatch to cultivate powerful hip extension. This phase is all about generating momentum and strength from the ground up. Next, we’ll...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds 10 Alternating Bodyweight Lunges 8/8 Single Arm Ring Rows 8 V-ups 4 Burpee Broad Jumps Metcon (Time) Teams of 2 GPP 2 Rounds for Time 30 Pull-ups 30 DB Push-ups 30 Dual DB Front Rack Reverse Lunge (50s/35s) 30 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20” 30 Dual DB...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We will be starting off today with a progressive warm-up that is meant to prime the system and get athletes ready to tackle the high capacity triplet today. The goal here will be to start off that first 400m Run nice and easy as a group. Seeing...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) The focus today is on the barbell and learning how to develop power, quick turnover and ensuring a quality front rack position every time you receive the barbell. This is important both the Cleans today as well as the Thrusters. For both we would love to see...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today, we are starting off with a fun benchmark test to really work on efficiency in the Chest to Bar Pull-Up. This gives us as coaches the time to play and help athletes understand better kipping mechanics for both the traditional kip as well as the butterfly...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today, we are starting off with a fun benchmark test to really work on efficiency in the Chest to Bar Pull-Up. This gives us as coaches the time to play and help athletes understand better kipping mechanics for both the traditional kip as well as the butterfly...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) For today’s session, we are starting things off in a very similar fashion to how we tackled yesterday and are working our way into a strength piece aimed at developing our absolute strength as well as muscular endurance in the Bench Press. We will again run this...Read More