CrossFit – Thu, Jan 11

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

The focus today is on the barbell and learning how to develop power, quick turnover and ensuring a quality front rack position every time you receive the barbell. This is important both the Cleans today as well as the Thrusters. For both we would love to see a full hand grip remain on the barbell, but understand that some athletes as we get heavy will need to let that go and move into an open palm position. For the thrusters work harder to keep the full hand on the bar and help athletes learn how to move their elbows into a more vertical position as they come to the top of the Thruster. This means that in the Front Squat we are holding a typical front rack, but as we move more to the Push Press phase at a quarter squat position we are driving firmly overhead in a more vertical forearm position. The goal here is to learn how to move loads into a moderate heavy Thruster and then work on efficiency in the Wall Walk for 4 reps on the other minute. The third minute is meant to allow athletes to gain composure and adjust loads.

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

:10 Handstand Hold

10 Banded Good Morning

5 Inchworms + Push-up

3 High Hang Muscle Clean

3 Hang Power Clean

3 Front Squat

3 Push Press

3 Push or Split Jerk

Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk (Every 1:30 x 10
Sets 1-4: 2+1+1 @ 60-70%

Sets 5-7: 1+2+1 @ 70-80%

Sets 8-10: 1+1+1 @ 80-85%

Percentage is based on you 1-rep limiter today. This would be either the Power Clean or Jerk. You may perform either a Push Jerk or Split Jerk. Split Jerk is recommended. Please do not complete touch and go reps today.

The first rep number represents the Power Clean, the second rep number represents the Squat Clean, and the third number represents the Jerk.

The focus today is on replicating the same Power and intensity you give on the Power Clean and following that through into the Squat Clean, then moving into a powerful Jerk overhead. Focus mainly on your leg drive and being patient through your pull.

Metcon (Weight)


EMOM x 15

minute 1: 6 Unbroken Thrusters, starting @ 95/65

minute 2: 4 Wall Walks

minute 3: Rest


EMOM x 15

minute 1: 6 Unbroken Thrusters, starting @ 135/95

minute 2: 6 Wall Walks

minute 3: Rest

Ideally we are increasing the load on Thrusters each round. Goal is to increase by 5-10lbs each set.

Score = Cumulative Load
*note all athletes must start with same weight, from there they can add as much as they want for each round

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

3 Sets, For Quality

5-7 Parallel Bar Dips @ 42×1 Tempo

15-20 second Ring Support Hold

Rest 1:00 minute

10 Behind the Neck Strict Press @ 20×1 Tempo

15-20 second Barbell Overhead Hold

Rest 2:00 minutes