CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today we are getting into the 5RM Deadlift for the day. This is a big posterior chain and bracing test that can be scaled and modified for all levels. For athletes that do not have a lot of time here on the Deadlift progression or haven’t gone heavy pulling from the floor, let’s move to a modification that is more appropriate. We will then be moving into a posterior chain focused triplet with Dual DB Power Cleans + Rowing + Wall Balls. The focus today is to maintain a consistent pace from the first round to the last. Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Rounds 1:00 Row (:30 ez, :20 mod, :10 Fast) 10/10 Dual DB Staggered Stance RDL 15 Air Squats 20 Alternating Bird-Dogs 30 Second Deadbugs Deadlift (15:00 to Establish 5 Rep Max) Metcon (Time) GPP 5 Rounds for Time 10 Dual...
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today, the focus will shift to an upper body stamina conditioning day, which will start with our max unbroken Strict Pull-up test. We will then be moving into some Rope Climb skill work to target before the strength conditioning piece, along with talking through the DB Bench, Double Unders, and Farmers Carry. The goal today on the metcon is to have a little more of a strength and skill focus that is centered around the rope climb being the most challenging minute in the 20:00 EMOM The Pull-Up Test should take no longer than 2:00 minutes, then we should spend around 10 minutes on Rope Climb skill work and going over loads for the EMOM before hitting the 20:00 EMOM for the Day. Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Sets, For Quality 3 Inchworm Push-Ups 10 Prone Swimmers :15 second Passive Hang + :15...
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We like this as a retest as it allows for us to really see where our barbell cycling is at as well as the high aerobic effort V02 Max style mixed modal work. This one is also easily scalable across the board to keep the effort high by either going to lighter loads, alternating db snatches, or kbs. For those that are shorter in stature or lighter in terms of bodyweight look to scale the bike to something that they can keep the effort high on rather than allowing for a really long bike at more steady state effort. The complex we are starting off the day with is a fun complex meant to challenge positions and technique along with grip endurance. This is meant to be done unbroken and will be a complex we revisit towards the end of our next...
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) Today is all about getting inverted. We will be starting things off with our max effort strict handstand push-up test with the goal of increasing those reps by anywhere from 1-5 reps. Anyone that increases by more than that has really put the work in to increase that number! We will then talk through some good progressions for the Handstand Walk and go over efficiency, technique, and different ways to improve and work on our ability to walk on our hands. The workout today is then meant to target a little muscular interference here with a Strict Handstand Push-Up, Run, Toe to Bar combo into a max effort Handstand Walk. The goal with this one today is to stay unbroken on all the movements, keep the r5n to 1:00 or less which will allow for 30+ seconds on the Handstand Walk. For...
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We are at the end of the 10 Week Swole Cycle and with that comes our PRVN Total Retest. We want to put more lbs across these 4 lifts as the primary objective of the day. The goal was to get swole and we hope you are feeling just a little more that way towards the end of this cycle. The best way to tackle this workout will be to focus on the 3 primary lifts and just work your way up to your 1RM weighted pull-up over the course of the day. These do not need to be done in order, or even working your way up on one lift then the next. Understandably for class management, this may feel a little more hectic than normal, but this should be a fun day to work together and build up loads over...
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