CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
Today we are getting into the 5RM Deadlift for the day. This is a big posterior chain and bracing test that can be scaled and modified for all levels. For athletes that do not have a lot of time here on the Deadlift progression or haven’t gone heavy pulling from the floor, let’s move to a modification that is more appropriate.
We will then be moving into a posterior chain focused triplet with Dual DB Power Cleans + Rowing + Wall Balls. The focus today is to maintain a consistent pace from the first round to the last.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
1:00 Row (:30 ez, :20 mod, :10 Fast)
10/10 Dual DB Staggered Stance RDL
15 Air Squats
20 Alternating Bird-Dogs
30 Second Deadbugs
Deadlift (15:00 to Establish
5 Rep Max)
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for Time
10 Dual Dumbbell Power Cleans 50/35
15/12 Calorie Row
20 Wall Balls 20/14
5 Rounds for Time
10 Dual Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerks 50/35
15/12 Calorie Row
20 Wall Balls 30/20lb
*modify with alternating Single Dumbbell Power Clean if needed.
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
5 Sets, For Load
6/6 Single Leg Barbell RDL
12 Banded Russian KBS