CrossFit – Thu, Oct 19

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

Today, the focus will shift to an upper body stamina conditioning day, which will start with our max unbroken Strict Pull-up test. We will then be moving into some Rope Climb skill work to target before the strength conditioning piece, along with talking through the DB Bench, Double Unders, and Farmers Carry. The goal today on the metcon is to have a little more of a strength and skill focus that is centered around the rope climb being the most challenging minute in the 20:00 EMOM The Pull-Up Test should take no longer than 2:00 minutes, then we should spend around 10 minutes on Rope Climb skill work and going over loads for the EMOM before hitting the 20:00 EMOM for the Day.

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets, For Quality

3 Inchworm Push-Ups

10 Prone Swimmers

:15 second Passive Hang + :15 Active Hang

3/3 Single Arm Ring Row (2020 Tempo)

Gymnastics Test (AMRAP – Reps)

3:00 to Establish

Max Unbroken Strict Pull-up

Rope Climb Skill Work (No Measure)

Coaching Gymnastics Progression

Rope Climb Skill Work


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)


EMOM x 20

Min 1: 12 Dual DB Bench Press 50/35

Min 2: 2/1 Rope Climbs, 15 ft

Min 3: 10/8 Calorie Ski

Min 4: 30 second KB Farmer Hold (70/53s)


EMOM x 20

Min 1: 8 Dual DB Bench Press 70/50

Min 2: 1 Legless + 1 Regular Rope Climb

Min 3: 12/10 Calorie Ski

Min 4: 30 second KB Farmer Hold (70/53s)
Log total rounds completed. Subtract rounds that we do not complete or skip. Max score is 20

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)


100 Banded Bicep Curls

50 DB Chest Flys

100 Banded Tricep Extensions