CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
We are at the end of the 10 Week Swole Cycle and with that comes our PRVN Total Retest. We want to put more lbs across these 4 lifts as the primary objective of the day. The goal was to get swole and we hope you are feeling just a little more that way towards the end of this cycle. The best way to tackle this workout will be to focus on the 3 primary lifts and just work your way up to your 1RM weighted pull-up over the course of the day. These do not need to be done in order, or even working your way up on one lift then the next. Understandably for class management, this may feel a little more hectic than normal, but this should be a fun day to work together and build up loads over the course of 45 minutes. Keep in mind that the lift that takes the longest to build up to will be the Back Squat. A good goal here would be to establish around 85%+. All lifts today based on the style of lift and rep scheme should be able to be hit in around 10-12 minutes. With the weighted pull-up just interspersed between those lifts as you work your way up.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Sets, For Quality or 8:00 minutes
20/20 Lateral Banded Monster Walk Steps
10 Banded Air Squats
5/5 Banded Glute Bridge Marches
5 Tempo Push-Up (31×1)
5 High Box Jumps
Trivium Total (Weight)
45:00 minute window to complete
1-rep max Power Clean (15:00)
5-rep max Back Squat (15:00)
1-rep max Weighted Pull-Up
3-rep max Bench Press
Score: Total Combined lb’s
After 10 weeks of dedicated Strength work today, this is your opportunity to retest yourself and see how your training has improved. Please look back to compare your results to what you achieved on August 14th.”
Primary Objective: Increase total lb’s lifted across all 4 lifts
Secondary Objective: Increase each of the 4 lifts today
We will work the class by starting off with a 1RM Power Clean from the Floor or on the 5RM Back Squat. Athletes should be paired up and can decide on whether or not they want to start with the Power Clean or the Back Squat. We will allow 15:00 minutes to establish a 5RM Back Squat or 1RM Power Clean, we will then switch stations. and perform either the 5RM Back Squat or 1RM Power Clean. Once athletes have completed those two lifts we will use the remaining time in class to work up to a 3RM Bench Press and 1RM Weighted Strict Pull-Up. The remaining time in class of 15:00 minutes should allow enough time to put benches in place and work out way up to the 3RM and 1RM. This is a total that all of our tracks are doing and will be a really fun retest at the end of this cycle.
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
3 Sets, For Load
4-6 Tempo Dips @ 31×1 Tempo
12 Dual KB Bent Over Row
50ft Dual KB Front Rack Walking Lunges