CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 2 sets 20 total shoulder taps :20 HS hold 5 pushups 2 bench press (add weight to 2nd rd) B: Bench Press (bench press, Build to a heavy single in 15 minute) C: Metcon (Time) accumulate 24 bar muscle up (competitor) Or 30 banded bmu / jumping bar mu (GPP) – 10 min cap D: Metcon (Time) GPP 3 rounds for time 20 ttb 20 alt db snatch 50#/35# Competitor 3 rounds for time 20 ttb 20 alt db snatch 70#/50# E: Metcon (No Measure) Bonus fitness / Skill accessory 3 sets: 10 seated db press 10 shspu Rest :90
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 3 sets 10 inchworms 10 hanging scap pushups 5 snatch balance 5 hang squat snatch 5 full snatch B: Squat Snatch (3 x 1.1 @84-88% 2 x 1 @88-92%) 3×1.1 @84-88% of power; rest :15/ 2:00 2×1 @88-92%; rest 2:00 C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) GPP 3:00 on / 2:00 off X4 15/12 cal echo 15 ohs 95/65 10 bfb Competitor 3:00 on / 2:00 off X4 20/15 cal echo 15 ohs 115/85 10 bfbPick up where you left off D: Metcon (No Measure) Bonus fitness / Upper accessory 2 set: 100’ single arm oh kb carry e/ side 15 Bulgarian split squat e/ leg :60 wall sit
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CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard RYWU: Warm-up (No Measure) 5:00 game of Dodge ball into 5:00 Game of pizza delivery W-U: Metcon (No Measure) 4 x 5 inch worms 10 squats 5 burpees then 1:00 couch and pigeon Skill: Metcon (No Measure) EMOM 9 Min 1 – 10 lunges each leg Min 2 – 10 squats Min 3 – 1:00 Wall sit RBL: Metcon (No Measure) 5x 5/3/5/3/5 Deadlifts Ss / w 5x 4/4 pullups/box jumps WOD: Metcon (No Measure) 3 x AMRAP 2, 2:00 rest 5 iinchworms 10 pushups 15 squats RBWOD: Metcon (No Measure) 3 x AMRAP 3 rest 2:00 9 deadlifts 6 hang cleans 3 s2oh Barbell or dumbbell Game: Metcon (No Measure) Kids choice!
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 1:00 at each couch stretch pigeon stretch runners stretch calf stretch B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) GPP Teams of 2 40 min amrap: 800m partner run 30 alternating burpee pull up 60 wall ball 20/14 (break as needed) Competitor use a vest
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rds 10 jump lunges 5 squat jumps 5 squats w/ barbell B: Back Squat (7×3 @80% ; rest :90) C: Metcon (Time) GPP 10 sets: 1 rope climb 4 bbjo 24/20 Rest 1:00 Competitor 10 sets: 2 rope climb 4 bbjo 30/24 Rest 1:00 D: Metcon (Time) GPP – 2 sets: 30 ghdsu 10 wall walks Rest to recovery Competitor – 2 sets: 40 ghdsu 100’ hsw Rest to recovery
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