CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) Run to road and back 3 rds 10 pass throughs 5 OHS :30 Hand stand hold B: Squat Snatch + OHS Complex (8 x 1+3) A. 8 x 1 Squat snatch + 3 OHS @build to heavy set, rest 2:00 btw C: Metcon (Weight) Accessory 3 x 50’ Single arm oh db/kb carry; rest :30 3 x 50’ Single arm suitcase carry; rest :30 D: Metcon (Time) GPP For time: 50 wall ball 20/14 50 burpee to 6″ 50 ttb 50 burpee to 6″ 50 wall ball 20/14 Comp For time: 50 wall ball 30/20 50 burpee to 12″ 50 ttb 50 burpee to 12″ 50 wall ball
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 250m row or ski then 2 sets 5 inchworms 5 deadlifts :20 bar hang B1: CG Deadlift (5×5 CG deadlift, build to a heavy 5) 5×5 CG deadlift; (build to a heavy set) ; rest as needed B2: Metcon (No Measure) after each set 2-3 HIGH box jumps C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Accessory C1.) 3 x 8-12 alt Pistols ; rest :30 C2.0 3x 8-12 good morning ; rest :60 D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) GPP 12 min amrap: 12 hang power clean 95/65 15 bj over (24/20″) or step overs 15/12 cal c2 bike Comp 12 min amrap: 12 hang power clean 115/85 15 bj over (30/24″) or step overs 15/12 cal Echo bike
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) :30 each 4 way shoulder stretch 3 sets SA KB OH walk 25 ft each arm 5 push press each arm B: Push Press + Jerk complex (8 x 2+1) 8 x 2 push press + 1 split jerk; rest as needed (build to a heavy complex) C: Metcon (Weight) C1) db bench 3 x 10-12; rest :30 C2) ring dip 3 x 6-10 + :10 hold after last rep; rest as needed D: Metcon (Time) GPP For time: 60 pull ups 60 HSPU – break however you like *10 min cap Comp For time: 60 CTB – pull ups 60 S.HSPU – break however you like *10 min cap
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rds :30 bike 5 lunges each leg 25ft duck walk 5 front squats w/ barbell B: Squat Clean (15 min to build to 1RM) C: Metcon (Time) 10 squat clean for time @75-80% of part (A) D: Metcon (Time) GPP 6 sets: 10 db thruster (50/35) (1 DB) 10 lateral burpee over db Rest :60 Comp 6 sets: 10 db thruster 50/35 (2 DB’s) 10 lateral burpee over db Rest :60 total time w/ rest E: Metcon (Weight) Bonus fitness / Accessory bb front rack alt step back lunge, 2x 12-14 reps; rest :90
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) :30 each leg Couch pigeon calf runners into run to road and back 25ft lunges 25 ft inch worm 25ft high kicks 25ft butt kickers 25ft duck walk B: Metcon (Time) For Time (in a Team of 3) 146 – Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb) 150 – Box Jumps (24/20 in) 146 – Air Squats 150 – Push-Ups 146 – DU OR x2 Singles 150 – Pull-Ups OR Ring Rows 146 – Sit-Ups 150 – Row (calories) 146 – Bike erg (calories) 150 – Air squats 146 – DU OR x2 Singles 150 – Dumbbell Push Press (50/35 lb)(1 DB) As a team, complete a total of 1776 reps involving all exercises in any order ***EACH TEAM WILL NEED*** – kettlebell – box – rower – bike erg – dumbell Share where possible Score is the time it takes...
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