CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 5 min max cal row Rest 2:00 5 min max cal c2 bike B: Push Jerk (3×5 push jerk @ 65-70%; rest as needed) C1: Metcon (Time) 3 rounds for time: 15 ttb 15 hspu Rest 2:00 Mods: Knees to elbow, Knee raises, toes to rig Add abmats, off a box, hrpu C2: Metcon (Time) 3 rounds for time: 6 BMU 50’ hsw Mods; 6 ctb/pullups + 6 dips hs hold :30 D: Metcon (No Measure) Accessory 3x 20 banded good morning; rest as needed 3x :30 hollow body hold; rest as needed
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A1: Warm-up (No Measure) 3 sets :30 Hard Erg 10 Jump squats A2: Clean Barbell Warm Up (No Measure) 1 round: Coach led 3 power shrug 3 high elbows 3 Muscle Cleans 3 strict Press 3 Elbow Rotations 3 Front Squats Then: 1 time through ** SHOULD HEAR YOUR FEET ** Position 1 3 high hang Power cleans (dip, pull) Position 2 (dip + hinge, shoulders over the bar) 3 hang power cleans Position 3(shoulders over the bar), then 2 3 hang Power cleans B: 1 Power Clean + 2 Hang Squat Clean (Work up to a moderate/heavy complex in 10:00) C: Front Squat (Build to a heavy 3 rep for the day, then 2x 6 @80%) D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12 min amrap: 50 DU 20 wall ball 20/14 15/12 cal row mods: 100 singles lower wall ball weight...
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CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard RWU: Warm-up (No Measure) Dodgeball – 3 x 2 min games then 3 min Pizza Delivery WU: Metcon (No Measure) 3 rds 10 Plate ground to overhead :30 Squat hold 20 Duck walk steps :30 Bar hang R Mov: Metcon (No Measure) EMOM 9 1.) 10 box jumps (plate jumps) 2.) 8 – 10 HRPU (teach movement first) 3.) :30 flutter kicks RWOD: Metcon (No Measure) 2 x 10 each side russian twsts, rest :30 5 burpees, rest :30 10 situps, rest :30 5 burpees, rest :30 10 broad jumps, rest :30 5 burpees, rest :30 GAME: Metcon (No Measure) Coaches Choice
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up (No Measure) E2MOM x 4 :10 AB sprint :30 bar hang in hollow position 10 push-ups 10 step back lunges The lift and workout today is teams of 2. Find your teammate, get warmed up for each movement (Burgener for snatch), and at the 20:00 mark of class, the clock will start on the following. BAR STARTS EMPTY. 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch + 1 overhead squat 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch + 1 overhead squatOn a running clock, each team will have 12 minutes to build to a heavy of the complex. Record total weight Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) @ 15 min 15 Minute AMRAP 50/35 cal assault 50 ttb 50 hspu 50 db box step overs 50#/35
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up (No Measure) 1:00 on 1:00 off x 4 Ski / Row (alternate machines) During “off” minute perform 10 push-ups and 10 empty bar good mornings Deadlift (Clean grip deadlift, 3×5 @ 80-85%; rest 2:00) Metcon (Time) 21-18-15 Thrusters 95/65 BBJO 24″/20″ Metcon (No Measure) Core Accessory 3×20 v-up; rest as needed 3×1:00 plank hold; rest as needed
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