CrossFit Trivium – Specialty Cycle View Public Whiteboard Weightlifting Front squats 5 sets 3 reps (10-15 heavier than previous week) super set with Cossack Squats 4 reps at 33 x 1 tempo light weight 3 sets of 3 reps of behind neck strict press as heavy as possible while keeping good form Snatch complex -1snatch...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 6-minute AMRAP: 0:30s pigeon stretch each leg 10 glute bridges 5 ring-rows 5 air squats at a 33×1 tempo B: Back Squat (2×8 @ 75% 2×4 @85%) C: Metcon (Time) squat clean 20 for Time @70% of 1 rm power clean D: Metcon (AMRAP...Read More
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