Weightlifting Cycle

CrossFit Trivium – Specialty Cycle

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Front squats 5 sets 3 reps (10-15 heavier than previous week) super set with Cossack Squats 4 reps at 33 x 1 tempo light weight

3 sets of 3 reps of behind neck strict press as heavy as possible while keeping good form

Snatch complex -1snatch grip RDL + low hang high pull + 1 mid hang squat snatch – build to 70-73%

build to a heavy double power snatch from the weight that you finished it doesn’t have to be touch and go

3 rounds- over head plate carry from 30secs to 1min- paired with 75′ bear crawl and a 30 sec -1 min dip hold. Rest as needed between sets

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