CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 200 m run 1:00 calf stretch each 1:00 couch stretch each 1:00 pigeon each :30 runner stretch each B: Metcon (4 Rounds for time) “murph prep” 4 sets: 400m run –into– 5 rounds, 5 pull up 10 push ups 15 air squats —into– 400m run rest 3:00 * Competitor wear weight vest 1 set is 400m, 5 rds, 400m run
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 1 set 120 du (240 singles) 2 sets: 20 single leg line hop 10 glute bridge 5 low- moderate bj ( step down ) B: Power Clean (5 x 3 ( singles ) @ 65-75%; rest :90 btw) Coaches notes: These are to be performed as quick singles, do not touch and go even if you feel like you can. Pick your % range based on feel for perfect technique C: Metcon (Time) GPP 5 rounds for time: 12/9 cal row 12/9 cal bike erg Competitor 5 rounds for time: 12/9 cal ski 12/9 cal assault bikeCoaches Notes: This is a sprint, push the pace right from the beginning and hang on. D: Metcon (No Measure) alt emom x 15 15 russian kb swing 5-15 ghdsu or v-up ( novice – accumulate 25-40 total ghdsu, intermediate 35-60 reps) 4-6...
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 2 sets 1:00 ski / row 5 strict c2b pull up 5 strict ring dip + :12 hold after last rep B: Shoulder Press (10:00 to Build to a heavy 3 rep ) Coaches notes: Your shoulders and arms press the weight over your head while your legs, lower back and abs balance you. NO LEG DRIVE. This is a hard stop 10 minutes. Be intentional with your time and you sets to build. C: Metcon (Weight) alt emom x12 odd- 5-7 bench press @ 65-70% even- 5-7 weighted pull upCoaches notes: Chose a weight on the bench that allows for no misses, it should be challenging but nothing that brings you to failure. “weighted” can simply mean body weight, or even weight assisted with a band. Proficient athletes can use the chain belt to add weight. D: Metcon...
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) Three Rounds of: :30 bike (strong effort) 5 hip switches on each side :30 bike (strong effort) :30 active squat hold B: Back Squat (Build to a heavy single in 15 min ( aim for 90-95%) Coaches notes: This is a hard stop at 15 minutes, be precise and intentional with your build-up. This is a heavy for today, NOT a max. Typically you should be looking to reach 90-95% of your 1RM, but this is not a requirement. RECORD YOUR LIFT IN WODIFY C: Power Snatch (5 x 3 ( singles ) @ 65-75%; rest :90 ) Coaches notes: 10% range in weight means these should be by feel for today with no misses. do not immediately assume you should be lifting 75% of your 1rm. Go by feel, and make these good lifts. D: Metcon (5 Rounds...
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CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard RWU: Warm-up (No Measure) Dodgeball – 3 x 2 min games then 3 min Pizza Delivery RBWU: Metcon (No Measure) 3 rds 100m Run :30 Squat hold 10 each hip rotations 5 Seal Pushups R Mov: Metcon (No Measure) EMOM 9 1.) :30 line hops 2.) 8 hrpu 3.) 10 Plate ground to overhead RB L: Metcon (Weight) 5 x 5 Back Squat (building across, good form) ss/ 5 x 2+ strict pull-ups (band if needed) RWOD: Metcon (No Measure) 21.1.1 3 RFT 10 pushups 10 plate ground to overhead 20 line hops rest 1 min 3 RFT 8 Pushups 8 Ground to overhead 20 Line Hops RBWOD: Metcon (Time) 21.1.1 3 RFT 10 hspu off a box 10 hang Cleans 50 Single jumps rest 1 min 3 RFT 10 HSPU of a box 10 S2OH 50 single jumps GAME: Metcon (No Measure)...
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