CF – 4/21/21

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

1 set

120 du (240 singles)

2 sets:

20 single leg line hop

10 glute bridge

5 low- moderate bj ( step down )

B: Power Clean (5 x 3 ( singles ) @ 65-75%; rest :90 btw)

Coaches notes:

These are to be performed as quick singles, do not touch and go even if you feel like you can.

Pick your % range based on feel for perfect technique

C: Metcon (Time)


5 rounds for time:

12/9 cal row

12/9 cal bike erg


5 rounds for time:

12/9 cal ski

12/9 cal assault bike
Coaches Notes:

This is a sprint, push the pace right from the beginning and hang on.

D: Metcon (No Measure)

alt emom x 15

15 russian kb swing

5-15 ghdsu or v-up ( novice – accumulate 25-40 total ghdsu, intermediate 35-60 reps)

4-6 burpee bjo, 30/24″

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