CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard W-U: Metcon (No Measure) Animal Walks (down and back) Inchworm w/ pushups Lunges with twist high kicks broad jumps bear crawl Crab walk rest 1 min 3 min amrap Dodgeball RBwu: Warm-up (No Measure) 3 min bike/ski/row 3rds 6 each kossach squats :30 squat hold 5 barbell front squats :30 front rack hold Skill: Metcon (No Measure) 5 sets 50 ft burpee broad jump rest 2 min 5 x 3 Wall walks RBL: Metcon (No Measure) 5×3/3 Front Squat / Back Squats (form focus) Ss / w 5x 5 pullups + 10 ring rows WOD: Metcon (No Measure) 4 sets 10 medball slams 50ft bear hug lunge 10 medball throws 1:00 wallsit RBWOD: Metcon (No Measure) 4rds 50ft lunge 10 burpee over DB 50ft sled push 5 TTB Game: Metcon (No Measure) Kids choice!
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 800m Jog -then- 5-7 min Mobility B1: Metcon (Time) GPP 0:00-10:00 Teams of 2: (break reps as needed) 6 Rounds for Time; 12 Power Clean and Jerk 95/65 9 Bar Facing Burpee 12 Chest to Bar 10:00-11:00 Rest COMP 0:00-10:00 Teams of 2: (break reps as needed) 6 Rounds for Time; 12 Power Clean and Jerk 115/85 9 Bar Facing Burpee 6 Ring Muscle Up 10:00-11:00 Rest B2: Metcon (Time) GPP 11:00-21:00 3 Rounds for Time: 24 Power Snatch 75/55 18 Burpee to 6″ Target COMP 11:00-21:00 3 Rounds for Time: 24 Power Snatch 95/65 18 Burpee to 12″ target This is still Teams of 2 and split reps up however you’d like. One partner working at a time. Log the time it takes to complete the 3 rounds.
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 3 sets :30 Machine of Choice 10 Pass Throughs 5 Snatch Balance 5 Overhead Squat B: Overhead Squat (3×10 @ 135/95; rest :90) C: Clean Pull (3×1.1.1 @ 100%; rest :10 btw reps/2:00 btw sets) D: Metcon (Time) GPP 4 Rounds for Time: 75 Double Under 25’e Single Arm DB Overhead Walking Lunge (50/35) 10 Toes to Bar COMP 4 Rounds for Time: 100 Double Under 50’ Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge (50s/35s) 15 Toes to Bar*Excellent Double Unders will be able to complete the work in about a minute. But, if we are learning, scale the reps back to number we can complete in about 1:30. This can be anywhere from 25-50 reps. **Choose a weight for the lunge that will allow you to go unbroken for 25′ ***Finally, expect the toes to bar to take 2-3 sets....
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 200m Run -then- 25′ each movement Inchworm Duck Walk Butt Kicks Lunges w/ Twist High Kicks B: Metcon (Time) GPP For time: 100 Calorie Row 100 Calorie Ski 100 Calorie Bike Erg COMP For time: 100 Calorie Row 100 Calorie Ski 100 Calorie Echo GPP Goal Paces 12/10 Calories Per minute across Comp Goal Paces 20+/15 per minute Row 15/12 per minute Ski 15/11 per minute Bike try to settle into a consistent pace from the beginning based on feel. With any luck, we are looking for a slow build in intensity on the back half of the bikes C: Metcon (No Measure) Bonus Fitness Accumulate 100 Banded Good Morning 100 Hollow Body Rocks
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CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 3 sets 100m air runner 5 clean pulls 5 clean high pulls 5 Power cleans 3 front squats B: Power Clean (5 x 1 power clean + 1 Squat clean) superset with 5 x 10 ttb C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 6 9 hang power cleans 45 6 BFB rest 2:00 AMRAP 3 9 BFB 6 hang power cleans 65
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