CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard RBWU: Metcon (No Measure) 3 rds 10 pass throughs :30 Shoulder taps 5 pushups :30 Bar hang (active shoulder) RB L: Metcon (Weight) 5 x 4/4/3/2/2Strict press ss/ 5 x 8 box jumps RBWOD: Metcon (No Measure) Amrap 12 400/300 m row 5 wall walks 10 push press 15 jump squats
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds 10/7 Calorie Bike 10 PVC Romanian Deadlifts 10 Wallballs (light) -then- 2 Rounds 3-Position Cleans (power) 3 Front Squats -then- 2 Rounds 3 Power Clean 3 Hang Squat Clean -then- 3 Squat Clean Metcon (Time) GPP 40 Deadlift (115/80) 40 Wallball (20/14) 20/15 Calorie C2 Bike 40 Hanging Knee Raises -rest 2:00- 40 DB Bench Press (35s/25s) 40/30 Calorie C2 Bike 30 Push-ups 30 V-ups Comp For Time: 40 Deadlift (155/105) 40 Wallball (30/20) 20/15 Calorie Echo 40 Toes to bar -rest 2:00- 40 DB Bench Press (50s/35s) 40/30 Calorie Echo 40 Push-up 40 GHD Sit-upsGPP: This is a great workout to let your strength be your strength and break up your weaknesses a little more than normal. For example: if you are a great biker, hammer it, knowing you will break up the gymnastics at the end. For great toes...
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds 10 Scap Pull-ups 5e Single Arm DB Strict Press 10e Banded Paloff Press -then- Tabata x 4 GPP Burpee to Target Comp Burpee Pull Up Push Press (4 x 2 @ 85-88% rest 2:00 between sets) Split Jerk (Build to a heavy 90-95% effort for the day. rest 2:00 between sets) This is not Max out day, but weight should be challenging if technique feels good. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) GPP AMRAP 8 8 DB Hang Snatch (50/35) 4 Chest to Bar Comp AMRAP 8 8 Double KB Snatch (53/35) 2 Bar Muscle UpsGPP: These numbers are perfect for athletes looking to build confidence in the pull-up ability. Shoot for unbroken reps and practice your kip or butterfly efficiency. Avoid singles today if at all possible. For TODAY, the DB snatch does not need to be alternating but make sure each...
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CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard W-U: Metcon (No Measure) 3 sets 25 ft lunges 5 burpoees 25ft sprint 5 squats RB S: Metcon (No Measure) lunges 5 sets 25ft ss/w 1 forward roll 2 wall walks 3 broad jumps WOD: Metcon (No Measure) 5 rds 1:00 wall sit 25ft bear crawl 5 pushups 25ft bear crawl Game: Metcon (No Measure) Kids choice! Game: Metcon (No Measure) Kids choice!
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CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds 10 PVC Pass Throughs 3/3 Worlds Greatest Stretch -then- 2 Rounds 5 Snatch Pulls 5 Behind the Neck Strict Press 5 Snatch Balance Power Snatch (7 x 2 @ 65-70% of Squat Snatch Rest as needed) Back Squat (4×2 @ 85-90% rest as needed between sets) Metcon (10 Rounds for weight) GPP EMOM x 10 6 Power Snatch (75/55) 4 Hang Squat Snatch 2 Overhead Squat Comp EMOM x 10 6 Power Snatch (95/65) 4 Hang Squat Snatch 2 Overhead SquatWe are looking for a weight that we can manage unbroken rounds with clean technique. If we are finding ourselves taking longer than :35-:40 consider cutting the reps in half. Today should be a good learning day for barbell cycling Comp, if you are feeling confident, add weight each round for the last 5 sets Bonus Fitness (No Measure) 3 Sets...
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