CrossFit – Wed, Aug 3

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds
10/7 Calorie Bike
10 PVC Romanian Deadlifts
10 Wallballs (light)
2 Rounds
3-Position Cleans (power)
3 Front Squats
2 Rounds
3 Power Clean
3 Hang Squat Clean
3 Squat Clean

Metcon (Time)


40 Deadlift (115/80)

40 Wallball (20/14)

20/15 Calorie C2 Bike

40 Hanging Knee Raises

-rest 2:00-

40 DB Bench Press (35s/25s)

40/30 Calorie C2 Bike

30 Push-ups

30 V-ups


For Time:

40 Deadlift (155/105)

40 Wallball (30/20)

20/15 Calorie Echo

40 Toes to bar

-rest 2:00-

40 DB Bench Press (50s/35s)

40/30 Calorie Echo

40 Push-up

40 GHD Sit-ups

This is a great workout to let your strength be your strength and break up your weaknesses a little more than normal. For example: if you are a great biker, hammer it, knowing you will break up the gymnastics at the end. For great toes to bar-ers, Throttle back the bike so you can hit a big set at the end

Squat Clean (4 x 6 @ 65%
rest 1:30 between efforts)

Work to start each set as touch and go reps then move to singles before technique breaks down.

Ideally 3 touch and go and 3 singles each round.