Announcements July 4th Weeknd Schedule July 4th (Thursday)- Class at 8,9,10 July 5th (Friday)- Class at 8,9,10 July 6th (Saturday)- Class at 8,9,10 Open Gym still available throughout! CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Daily Focus (No Measure) We have a long one today with the workout. The goal is to maintain a pace on each round...Read More
Announcements July 4th Weeknd Schedule July 4th (Thursday)- Class at 8,9,10 July 5th (Friday)- Class at 8,9,10 July 6th (Saturday)- Class at 8,9,10 Open Gym still available throughout! CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) GPP AMRAP 20 200m Run 15 Toes to Bar 50′ Dual Dumbbell Farmers Lunges (50s/35s) 5 Bar...Read More
Announcements July 4th Weeknd Schedule July 4th (Thursday)- Class at 8,9,10 July 5th (Friday)- Class at 8,9,10 July 6th (Saturday)- Class at 8,9,10 Open Gym still available throughout! CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit Needs Review (No Measure) For Time 3 Sets 800m Run 60ft (17.5m) Dual Dumbbell Farmers Lunges Rest 1:00 40/28 Calorie Echo Bike 20...Read More
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