CrossFit Trivium – RECESS View Public Whiteboard W-U: Metcon (No Measure) 100 ft shuttle run 5 burpees 100ft shuttle run 5 squats rest 1 min 3 min amrap Dodgeball Skill: Metcon (No Measure) 5 sets Inchworm 25ft Lunges 25ft 5 burpees tag partner WOD: Metcon (No Measure) 4 sets 50 ft sled push :30 squat...Read More
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard A: Warm-up (No Measure) 200m run into 3 sets 5 barbell strict press :30 bar hang 5 Push press :20 oh hold B: Shoulder Press (Build to a heavy set of 8/4/2; rest 2 min) B2: Weighted Pull-ups (Build to a heavy set of 8/4/2; rest 2 min...Read More
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