CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Daily Focus (No Measure)
Today, is all about those abs and conditioning. We are looking to tackle a good dose on the GHD, and this of course can always be rotated out for medball weighted sit-ups, V-Ups, or abmat sit-ups and still keep very close to the stimulus depending on whether or not the gym has enough GHD’s or not. We do however believe that going over correct technique for the GHD Sit-up and placement of hips on the pads is very important for you to hit with your class today in order to dial in best positions and movement. We are combining the GHD’s with some running and biking today to really work on pumping up the heart rate for a good little burn on a Thursday.
Warm-up (No Measure)
EMOM x 8
Min 1: :30 second Bike + Max Hollow Rocks
Min 2: :15 second Pogo Jumps + Max Plank Hold
Min 3 : :30 second Wall Sit
Min 4: 8 Alternating Leg Bounding
*Watch the videos here and really use this as a time to teach some different drills that will fire athletes up and get them a little more dynamic and skillful. these are the things that create better reactivity in the ankles and knees, better joint resiliency and increase transfer of energy for better speed and power.
Metcon (6 Rounds for time)
Every 6:00 x 3
20 V-Ups
400m Run
20/14 Calorie Echo
Rest 2:00 minutes
Every 4:00 x 3
10 V-Ups
200m Run
10/7 Cal Echo
Every 6:00 x 3
20 GHD Sit-Ups
400m Run
20/14 Calorie Echo
Rest 2:00 minutes
Every 4:00 x 3
10 GHD Sit Ups
200m Run
10/7 Cal Echo
Bonus Fitness (No Measure)
3-4 Sets, For Quality
:45 second Sandbag Bear Hug Hold
:30 second Dual Kettlebell Overhead Hold
100ft Reverse Sled Drag
100ft Sled Push