CrossFit – Wed, Sep 6

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

We are going to tackle some weightlifting focus work today for the Push Jerk with the goal of hitting some good wave loads here from 3-2-1, with the singles only being up to 80%. However, the fact that this is on the minute creates a bigger challenge than just the percentage and rep scheme, so keep that in mind. We will then move into a fun push/pull workout for you today with “Deadlift Groove”. This will be similar to the workout we hit a couple weeks ago with Deadlifts and Push-Ups , except we are targeting a little more of a strength endurance stimulus here with heavier deadlifts and Ring dips. We often like to use similar feeling workouts with progressions built in over the weeks to increase capacity with only slight changes to the style of workout.

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets

1:00 minute Cardio Choice

8/8 Single Leg Glute Bridges

10 Alternating Bird-Dogs


2 Sets

8 Behind the Neck Barbell Strict Press

8 Sumo Stance Goodmornings

8 Barbell Reactive Squat Jumps

Push Jerk (EMOM x 9
Min 1, 4, 7: 3 Reps @ 70%
Min 2, 5, 8: 2 Reps @ 75%
Min 3, 6, 9: 1 Rep @ 80%

Metcon (Time)


3 Sets, For Time:



Ring Dips

Rest 2:00 minutes between sets

Score: Total Time (including rest)

Set 1: 185/125

Set 2: 225/155

Set 3: 275/185


3 Sets, For Time:




Ring Muscle Up

Rest 2:00 minutes between sets

Score: Total Time (including rest)

Set 1: 225/155

Set 2: 275/185

Set 3: 315/225

TIme Cap 16:00


rest + add weight


rest + add weight


Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

Strict Handstand Push-Up Development

8 x 35% of Max Unbroken reps

Rest as needed between sets

Part B)

5 Sets

8/8 Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrust

8/8 Half Kneeling Banded Pallof Press with Rotation