CrossFit – Fri, Sep 8

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

Today, we have a fun challenging class that will definitely be a great finisher to the work week. We are tackling both the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk today in complexes that mirror each other. We will run this as one weightlifting piece that flows well together. We will do this every couple weeks during this cycle as it is a good way to work on speed, strength and power on the same day and leave room in the week for more strength development in other areas, which is more the focus for this cycle. We have 16:00 minutes on a Every 2:00 minute clock, and this can be adjusted to 18:00 minutes if you feel like you have the time and would be beneficial for your classes to have an extra 2:00 minutes before moving into the Clean Complex. The style and build of the complex should allow us to get to around that 82-85% mark on our lifts as a great piece to focus on our Oly Lifting.

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets (Time Cap 6:00)

1:00 minute Cardio Choice

10 Bootstrap Squats

10 Theraband Inverted Raises

10 Banded Face Pulls

6/6 single Arm Ring Rows


(Time Cap 4:00)

2 Sets w/Empty Barbell 45/35

4 Hang Snatch High Pulls

4 Hang Muscle Snatch

4 Overhead Squats

4 Front Squats

4 Hang Squat Cleans

Weightlifting (8 Rounds for weight)

Every 2:00 x 4

Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat

Rest 10 seconds

Squat Snatch


Every 2:00 x 4

Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat

Rest 10 seconds

Squat Clean
We are looking to start the percentage at 70% of Squat Snatch for the Snatch Complex and then build the percentage by feel today to something in the “Heavy” range. This means somewhere around 82-85% of 1RM. We will then adjust loads just a bit and roll directly into the Clean Complex where we will continue to build a heavy load on that complex today. Again, somewhere in the range of 82-85%

The focus today will be speed in the 3rd pull. That means the pull under the bar and into a quality catch position. For the Snatch, we are looking at a strong punch and pushing up against the bar, whereas for the clean, we want to see the barbell catch high in the front rack by pressing the elbows through the bar and up against the barbell. Flex your core and stand strong out of the squat.

Metcon (Time)


4 Man Makers 35/20

12 Kipping Pull-Ups

8 Man Makers 35/20

24 Kipping Pull-Ups

8 Man Makers 35/20

12 Kipping Pull-Ups

4 Man Makers 25/20


4 Man Makers 50/35

12 Bar Muscle Ups

8 Man Makers 50/35

24 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

8 Man Makers 50/35

12 Bar Muscle ups

4 Man Makers 50/35