CrossFit – Thu, Feb 16


Trivium Open T-Shirts for Sale! $25 Please write Open T-Shirt on the Sell Sheet


Open Workouts on Saturdays. Heats Start at 8:00am. Sign up using the Wodify App starting Thursday Night.

23.4 is Live! Check out this link for the standards and movements


Sign up using the Wodify App for a heat Saturday Morning!

If you cannot make it to Saturday, please do the workout during Open Gym hours.

Speak with Matt or a Coach if you have questions

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Mobility (No Measure)

6:00 Foam Roller

6:00 Lacrosse Ball Maintenance

6:00 Banded Shoulder Mobility

(we can split into groups)



1:00 Bike

2 Rounds

3 Pull-ups

3 Push-ups

6 Air Squats to medball target

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)


EMOM x 20

Odd: 1 Round of Cindy

Even: :45 Echo Bike


EMOM x 20

Odd: 1 Round of Chest to Bar Cindy

Even: :45 C2 Bike

5 Pull-up

10 Push-up

15 Air Squats

(ideally we spend no more than:40 to :45 working through Cindy, modify reps if needed)