CrossFit – Sat, Apr 13

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Partner Rowing Golf

1000m Row, For Time

Alternate Partners @ every 100m. Athlete 1 will be rowing until 100m, then athlete 2 rows until 200m and so on for the duration of 1000m. There is a catch however. At the 100m mark, if the rower rolls to 102 then both athletes must do 2 burpees prior to switching back on the rower. Then athlete 2 will row and stop rowing somewhere around 15-20m shy of the 200m mark. If the rower then rolls to 197m, both partners will again need to do 3 burpees. Now athlete 1 will get on the rower and row to the 300m mark. If they hit the mark dead on, no burpees need to be done and partners can again switch and go to the next 100m mark. This will continue for the duration of the workout until you reach 1000m. And yes if you are over or under at 1000m the workout will finish with burpees.

warm-up with the dumbbell for the workout

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

20:00 minute AMRAP

Partner 1: Max Meter Row

Partner 2:

10 Left Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and jerk

5 DB Box Step Ups

10 Left Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk

5 DB Box Step Ups

GPP (50/35)

COMP (70/50 and only 5 reps on the hang clean and jerk)
Every 10 meters on the Rower is 1 Rep, so 1000m = 100 Reps

+total reps completed with the dumbbell