CrossFit – Mon, Aug 21


Prom of the Decades for ALS | Sept. 2nd @ 7PM!


Food, desserts & drinks are provided! *Drinks include soda, water, beer, wine, champagne, hard seltzer, AND signature mocktail!

Trivia Question:

Traditionally, what is the flower called you give your date for prom?

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

We are having a little more of a functional bodybuilding style focused day with an upper and lower body push emphasis. We will start the day with strength work on Bench Press having that as our priority to warm-up to 70%, then moving into 4 Sets of 5 Reps at increasing loads up to 80%. This will lead us into the Back Squat. All we need to do here is adjust loads, touch a couple squats up to our working load, then perform 1 set of 20 Reps.

Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM x 8

Minute 1: 45 Second Machine of Choice (Easy pace)

Minute 2: 5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch

Minute 3: 6 Walking Inchworm Push-Ups

Minute 4: 15 Air Squats + :20 second Hollow Hold


20:00 to complete Bench and Squat

Bench Press (Every 2:00 x 4
Set 1: 5 Reps @ 75%
Set 2: 5 Reps @ 80%
Set 3: 5 Reps @ 85%
Set 4: 5 Reps @ 85%
Percentage is based on your 3rm Bench Press

Back Squat (Take 5:00 minutes to Warm-Up to Weight
Back Squat
1 Set of 20 reps @ 55%

For the Back Squat the percentage is based on the 5rm you achieved last week. These reps need to be completed unbroken.

We’re about to embark on a progressive 20 rep Squat Cycle. The first few weeks should feel very manageable however, the difficulty of the sets will increase as we increase the loading throughout the cycle.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Partner Workout


2 Dual Dumbbell Thrusters

4 Dumbbell Deficit Push-Up

6 Dual Dumbbell Step-Ups (50s/35s)

*Partner A completes the entire round while Partner B holds plank. Partner A must stop working if Partner B is not holding a plank


Partner Workout


2 Dual Dumbbell Thrusters

4 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups (45/25lb rubber plates)

6 Dual Dumbbell Step-Ups 24″/20″ (50s/35s)

*Partner A completes the entire round while Partner B holds plank. Partner A must stop working if Partner B is not holding a plank

*once partner A has completed an entire round, Partner B will switch to completing another entire round
Dumbbell Deficit Push-up: hold onto the handles while performing a push-up. It should provide a slight deficit while also stacking wrists in a neutral position.

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

4 Sets, For Quality

6/6 Goblet Loaded Box Pistol

6 Slow Tempo Straight Bar Dips (4242 Tempo)

16 V-Ups