CrossFit – Fri, Sep 29

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm–up (No Measure)

EMOM x 12

Min 1: Choice Cardio

Min 2: 10 Mountain Climber to Deep Lunge Stretch

Min 3: “Barbell Complex”

Min 4: 5 Burpee Bar Touches + 5 Jumping Pull-Ups

“Barbell Complex”

3 High Hang Muscle Clean

3 Front Squats

3 Push Press

3 Hang Squat Clean

3 Push Jerk

Primer (Technique) (No Measure)

Spend 6:00-8:00 minutes building loads to working weight

1 Slow Pull Clean

2 Squat Cleans

2 Push Jerks

Metcon (Time)


5 Rounds for Time

7 Squat Cleans

7 Shoulder-to-Overheads

7 Burpee Pull-ups

Load: 135/95

2:00 Rest between rounds


5 Rounds for Time

7 Squat Cleans

7 Shoulder-to-Overheads

7 Burpee Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Load: 165/115

2:00 Rest between rounds

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

Part A)

Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups

5 (sets) x 25% of Max Unbroken Reps

Rest as needed between sets

*Complete with a deficit that allows you to go unbroken


Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-Ups

5 (sets) x 25% of Max Unbroken Strict Reps

Rest as needed between sets

*Complete with a deficit that allows you to go unbroken

*If you did not do the Max Strict Handstand Push-Up test we will be looking to maintain a rep range somewhere in the 4-6 range for each set here

Part B)

3 Sets, For Quality

10-12 Chest Supported Dual Dumbbell Rows

10-12 Hollow Body Weighted Maltese Raises

10-12 Floor Dumbbell Pull-Over