CrossFit – Thu, Sep 28

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

Think of today as a little playtime to work through some different gymnastics skills and drills as we move into the more focused conditioning effort. Building in some Handstand Walk play time in one form or another will get athletes and coaches engaged in the day. We have a multitude of scaling options and suggestions that we can continue to work through during the time period for work. We have put this on a clock to keep the class moving in the right direction and will prime them up leading into the second part of today which is the conditioning piece of Wall Walks, Rowing, Toe to Bar, and Alternating DB Snatch. For our higher level competitors we will continue the Handstand Walk theme and work Handstand Walks instead of Wall Walks. The focus for this piece is shoulder and midline stamina conditioning

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, for Quality (6:00 minutes)

:24 Second Wall Thoracic Extension Pulses

12 Banded Face Pulls

6/6 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Row

6 Inchworm Slides

Skill Conditioning (No Measure)


EMOM x 10

Min 1: 1 Rope Climb

Min 2: 10 Shoulder Taps (choose difficult)

*plank-decline-wall facing


EMOM x 10

Min 1: 1 Legless Rope Climb

Min 2: 25′-50′ Handstand Walk
For the Handstand Walk: start next to the rig and work your way to the GHD’s. If we can, try only using the 3 ropes to leave space.

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)


4 Sets

3:00 minutes On : 1:00 minutes Rest

3 Wall Walks

15/12 Calorie Row

2 Wall Walks

15 Toes to Bar

1 Wall Walk

Max Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch @ 50/35lb


4 Sets

3:00 On : 1:00 Rest

3 Wall Walks

15/12 Calorie Row

2 Wall Walks

15 Toes to Bar

1 Wall Walk

Max Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch @ 70/50

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

4 Sets, For Quality

50/50ft (15m/15m) Single Arm Overhead Carry , For Load

20 Alternating V-Ups

:30/:30 second Paloff Press Hold