CrossFit – Fri, Jul 26

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets

25′ Banded Lateral Walk

5e Lateral Box Step Ups

10 Banded Goodmorning


3 Sets

5 Tempo Barbell Deadlifts (:03 up and :03 down)

:10 Handstand Hold

Round 1: 5 Push-ups

Round 2: 5 Pike Push-ups

Round 3: 5 HSPU


Warm-up for Deadlift

Deadlift (1 Set Every 2:30
1 x 10 @ 55%
1 x 8 @ 64%
1 x 6 @ 70%
1 x 5 @ 75%
3 x 5 @ 80%)

Deadlift: Screw the lats into the hips We want to create tension through the lats in order to properly transfer energy from our leg drive to the barbell. Cueing athletes to squeeze the newspaper works well for olympic lifts because we want to be able to read the newspaper when we are finished, keeping a nice light engagement. When deadlifting we want to crush the newspaper so hard that it turns to dust. In all seriousness, it is a much more aggressive ‘squeeze’ and will feel like you are trying to screw the lats into your hip bones. Be sure that this squeezing action isn’t interpreted as pulling the elbows in but rather as pulling the shoulders down and in so hard that they become part of the torso.

Metcon (Time)


200 Step ups @ 20″

Every 2 minutes starting at 2:00

stop and perform

5 Handstand Push-ups


Completed holding 50/35lb DB for Box Step Ups