CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
3 sets
5 cal ski – hard
:30 shoulder taps
5 Hand release pushups
B: Bench Press (3×5 @ 70-80%; rest :90)
C: Metcon (No Measure)
5 sets
10 pull ups (Kipping or butterfly)
rest :30
6 deficit strict handstand push-ups
Modification options:
Athletes should choose a number and movement to work on. For example, 10 banded pull-ups, 10 ring rows, Kipping handstand push-ups, reduce ROM on Hspu, box pushups..
work with the coach to determine what is right for you and follow the same framework.
These should be quick and high effort sets
D: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
4 rounds for time:
16/12 cal row
10 db shoulder to overhead (50/35)
9:00 cap
rest 1:00
2 rounds for time:
16/12 cal ski
16 ttb
6:00 cap
rest :30
for time:
30/25 standing c2 bike
50 push up
5:00 cap
Waterfall start