CF – 5/21/21

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

10 SL rdl e/ side; rest :20 (light)

1:00 Sorenson hold; rest :20

10 db bench press; rest :20

20 bb curl (:02 negative per rep)

rest 1:00

Yes, this is accessory work. yes it will get you warm for clean pulls

B: Clean Pull (clean pull, 5×1.1 @100%; rest :10 /:90)

after each set. 5x 2 seated box jumps @ high height; rest 3:00

% off of your 1rm clean

C: Metcon (Time)

for time:




10:00 time cap

focus on maintainable sets on larger sets of ttb

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