CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
3 sets
15 bb glute bridge; rest :20 (light)
30 banded good morning; rest :20
30 banded tricep ext; rest :20
16 alt db curl (:02 negative per rep)
rest 1:00
B: Clean Pull (clean pull, 4×1.1 @85-90%%; rest :10 /:90)
3 seated bj jumps @ moderate hieght; rest 3:00 ( focus on proper landing mechanics, :03 minimum rest btw jumps)
C: Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
21-15-9 (7:00 cap)
Toes to bar
Shoulder to overhead
GPP115/75 Comp 135/95
rest 3:00
9-15-21 (7:00 cap)
Toes to bar
Dumbbell cleans GPP+COMP50/35
Round 1 is the 21-15-9
Round 2 is the 9-15-21