CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
:90 seconds any machine to increase heart rate
4 ways shoulder stretch
10 pass through
10 around the world
10 cherry pickers with plate
10 alt cossack squat with plate in front
(all above around 10 min)
B: Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
4 rounds for time:
12 Single Arm Devil Press 50/35
24 call erg (athletes choice)
Split work
Teams of 2
4 rounds for time:
12 Devil Press 50/35
42 cal erg (athletes choice)
split work
Rest 6 minutes before starting next workout
C: Metcon (Time)
GPP and Competitor
Teams of 2
For time:
2k row
40 push ups
20 pull-ups
1k row
40 hand release push-ups
20 pull ups
500m row
40 hand stand push ups
20 pull-ups
Split work any way