CF – 2/4/22


Please reserve your spot in class! We cap at 15 and our coaches need to be able to prep for class.
If you have any issues with the WODIFY app please let Nate or Jamie know

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

:30 each banded shoulder stretch

:30 each banded hip stretch

1 rd

5 power snatch

5 clean and jerks

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


power snatch, 2:00 min amrap 95/65

Rest 2:00

power clean and jerk, 2:00 min amrap 95/65


power snatch, 2:00 min amrap 135/95

Rest 2:00

power clean and jerk, 2:00 min amrap 135/95

C: Snatch Pull (4x 2 @ 102%; rest 2:00)

D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


18 min amrap

12 db cleans 50/35 x 1 DB

25’ lunge

12 db s2oh

25’ lunge

12 burpee pullups


18 min amrap

12 db cleans 50/35 x 2DB’s

25’ lunge

12 db s2oh

25’ lunge

12 c2b

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