Please reserve your spot in class! We cap at 15 and our coaches need to be able to prep for class.
If you have any issues with the WODIFY app please let Nate or Jamie know
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
4 way shoulder stretch w/ bands :30 each
10 pvc pass thoughs
10 around the worlds
w/ barbell
3 snatch balance
3 hang power snatch
:20 OH squat hold
B: Squat Snatch (3 x 2 @ 80%; rest 1:30 3 x 1 @ 85%; rest 1:30)
C: Front Squat (3x 3 @ 84% )
D: Metcon (Time)
5 rounds For time:
15/12 cal row
15 deads 135/95
15 hspu (with abmat or seated db strict press)
5 rounds For time:
15/12 cal row
15 deads 225/155
15 hspu
E: Metcon (No Measure)
Accessory / skill
alt emom x8
:30 amrap rope climb
:45 amrap GHDSU