CF – 12/23/20

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 sets

10 cal erg

10 ground to OH (15/10)

10 BB good mornings

B: Clean Grip Deadlift (Clean grip deadlift, 5×3 @ 85-88%; rest 2:00)

C: Metcon (Time)

for time:

100 DU

20 c2b

20 squat clean 95/65 – rx+135#/95

100 DU

20 c2b

15 squat clean – 135/95 – rx+ 185#/130

100 DU

20 c2b

10 squat clean – 185/130 – rx+ 225/155


2 x dubs (200)

Pullups, banded pullups, jumping pullups

lower weight on cleans or Power if not able to squat

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