CF – 11/24/20

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 x 1500m row ; Rest 3-4:00 minutes btw sets

*Hold :03-:05 faster than 5k pace

B: Shoulder Press (Build to a heavy set of 5,3,1; rest 2 min)

C: Weighted Pull-ups (Build to a heavy set of 5,3,1; rest 2 min)

D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

alt emom x 16 (4 sets)

Min 1- 16 c2b

Min 2- 12 BBJO 24/20″ (lateral is ok)

Min 3- 6 ring muscle up

Min 4- 12 strict hspu

Score is rds completed (16 max)

CTB – (pullups, Jumping pullups)(reps)

RMU – 6 CTB/pullups/etc/6 ring dips

Shspu – kipping, add abmat, off box

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