CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A1: Warm-up (No Measure)
5:00 machine work, :30 hard, :30 easy
A: Clean Barbell Warm Up (No Measure)
1 round: Coach led
3 power shrug
3 high elbows
3 Muscle Cleans
3 strict Press
3 Elbow Rotations
3 Front Squats
1 time through ** SHOULD HEAR YOUR FEET **
Position 1
3 high hang Power cleans (dip, pull)
Position 2 (dip + hinge, shoulders over the bar)
3 hang power cleans
Position 3(shoulders over the bar), then 2
3 hang Power cleans
B: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
Squat Cleans
each set for time: rest as needed btw sets
5 squat clean @ 70%
4 squat clean @75%
3 squat clean @80%
2 squat clean @85%
1 squat clean @85+%
C: Clean Grip Deadlift (3 singles @ 85-90%; rest as needed)
D: Metcon (Time)
6 rounds for time:
6 squat clean @ (155/105) rx+(225/155)
18 Pull-ups r x+(8 BMU)