CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
400m run
2 sets
:30 squat holds
:30 Front rack stretch(barbell on back)
5 front squats with empty bar
B: Front Squat (3×5 @ 70-75%; rest 2:00)
C: Metcon (No Measure)
Strength / Accessory
back rack step back lunge, 3×12 alt steps 135/95; rest :90
D: Metcon (Time)
For time:
30/24 cal assault
20 db box step overs 50/35, 24″/20″
10 ring muscle up
20 db box step overs
150’ hsw
box height and DB weight
RMU – 30 ctb/pullups, 30 bench dips
if no hs wak
1:30 accumulated HS hold of not that, 150 front rack lunge with DB