CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
200m run
then :30 x 4 way shoulder stretch each
10 pass throughs
10 around the worlds
1 rd
5 snatch pulls
5 snatch high pulls
5 Muscle snatch
5 Hang Sq. snatch
B: Squat Snatch (12:00 to build to a heavy 1)
C: 3 x 1 snatch balance + 2 OHS Complex (3 x 1 + 2)
3×1 snatch balance + 2 ohs; rest 2:00
(drop the bar after ohs and clean back up to rack, no btn re reracking)
D: Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time:
15 power snatch 75/55
10 burpee
5 BMU (10 ctb/pullups, 10 bench or ring dips)