CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Teams of 2
10 min emom warm up w/ partner
:20 on / :10 off bike
*Transition during :10 so each partner bikes :20 e/ minute
B: Metcon (Time)
10 alt rounds for time: ( 5 e/)
10 squat clean @ 95/65. 135/95 RX+
10 burpees
*you go, I go
20 Min Cap. Scale weight and reps accordingly
At the 25:00 start part B
C: Metcon (Time)
For time:
40 BMU (RX+) OR 100 Pull-Ups (RX)
400’ single DB walking lunge *** hold any style
400′ Farmers carry #50/35
200 cal ski (160 for girl / girl pairs )
• Split work as needed
The Length of the rig 14 times is 400ft.