
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2:00 on a machine of choice then

then w/ barbell

2-3 sets

5 elbow rotations

5 each front rack lunges

5 front squats

B1: Front Squat (3×12 @ 50-60%; rest 2:00)

B2: Metcon (Weight)

3×100’ lunges 50/35#; (25’ segments); rest :90

– 2 DB’s

C: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)


3 sets:

16 pistols (assisted to bench or off post)

16 db bench 50/35

7 wall walks

Rest 2 min


3 sets:

16 pistols

16 db bench 50/35

75’ hsw (25’ segments)

Rest 2 min