Weightlifting Cycle

CrossFit Trivium – Specialty Cycle

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Thoracic mobilization with varied grip, posterior hip capsule mobilization 2 min each side, ankle dorsiflexion mobilization 2 min each side


overhead squats – 5 sets of 4 reps @ 68-74%


double db push jerks to box-4 sets of 6-8 reps (light to moderate load)


Snatch complex Emom every 2 min for 5 rounds – snatch high pull + power snatch from the ground + overhead squat build to moderate load

Snatch complex Emom every 1.5 for 5 rounds 1 full snatch with the weight from the first emom


2 rounds NFT-10 -12 Bottoms up KB presses (light weight) after each set perform 75″ of double KB/DB Overhead carry – carry can be broken up as needed- rest until fully recovered after each set.

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