CrossFit Trivium – Specialty Cycle
Lat release with lacrosse ball 2 min each side, banded front rack mobilization 2 min each side, ankle dorsiflexion mobilization 2 min each side
Front squats 5 sets 6 reps (moderate to light loads) super set with Cossack Squats 6 reps at 33 x 1 tempo with just the barbell REST as needed between sets.
Snatch complex EMOM every 2 min for 10 rounds work up to 70-75% of full snatch – Snatch high pull into mid hang power snatch into low hang full snatch
2 rounds- over head plate carry from 30secs to 1min- paired with 50′ bear crawl and a 30 sec -1 min dip hold. Rest as needed betweens sets
Pec release with lacrosse ball 2 min each side, ballistic arm swing 20 each side, banded shoulder flexion with ER 2 min each side
Bench press 4 sets of 8 (moderate loading) super set with seated military presses 6-8 reps as heavy as good for form allows rest as needed between sets
clean and jerk complex – EMOM every 2.5 min for 7 rounds – mid hang power clean + full power clean + front squat into a power jerk. start @65% of clean jerk and build to no more than 80%.
4 rounds – as heavy as possible suitcase carry for 1min- into 1 min L-sit hold on paralets or hanging – 1 min of weighted back squat hold
Pec release with lacrosse ball 2 min each side, ballistic arm swing 20 each side, banded shoulder flexion with ER 2 min each side
4 sets of Tempo Bulgarian splits squats 31x 1 5 reps per side at the time – moderate loading
Clean and jerk complex- E2 min x 8 rounds -clean high pull + mid hang power clean + low hang squat clean + power jerk start at 60% of max clean and jerk and build to no more than 80%
Every 3 min 5 rounds – 6-8 L-sit seated Arnold presses with 2 DB as heavy as good form allows – 10 V-ups or 30 sec hollow hold- 14 alternating weighted lateral step ups