Join us January 27th for our special team workout to support the “Live Like Lou Foundation”
Named in honor of Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Lou Gehrig, Live Like Lou supports ALS families, funds emerging scientists seeking meaningful treatments and cures for ALS, and helps generate awareness of Lou Gehrig’s disease.
You can donate using this link and just search CrossFit Trivium to find our landing page.
CrossFit Trivium – RECESS
Warmup (No Measure)
50ft sled push
10 burpees
50ft sled push
10 squats
Warm-up (No Measure)
For Quality :
2min Cardio
then. 3 sets
5/5 world G. Stretch
5 Bootstraps
5/5 KB thrusters
8 KB american swings
Strength/skill (No Measure)
5 sets
3 wall walks
4 x shuttle
R Strength (No Measure)
5 x
Back Squat x 5
after each
6-8 Seated box jump
Kids workout (No Measure)
4 x
:30 burpee box jumps
:30 rest
:30 lunges
:30 rest
R Conditioning (No Measure)
E4MOM x 3
500m row
10 burpees over rower