CrossFit – Wed, May 22


Cold Plunge is under renovation. We will have it up and running as soon as possible .

The Sauna is still availaible

May 24th, 6:00pm – Ring Muscle Up and Rope Climb Clinic (Brentwood Location)

May 27th – “Murph” Challenge – Starts at 7:00am (new heat every 20 Minutes)

June 7th, 6:40pm – Double Under Clinic (Nipper’s Corner Location)

June 11th – July 18th – Weightlifting Class Nippers Corner (Every Tuesday and Thursday, 6:40-7:40)

June 28th – Squat/Deadlift Workshop (Location TBD)

Sign Ups will be available at the front of the gym!

All Clinics are $35 to join and great for all skill sets. Premium memberships are free!

Weightlifting Class is $240 for the entire 12 Sessions and Available for all members (6 Week Program)

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

Now the style of workout today means that we will be able to run fast into each 4:00 minute AMRAP with the goal of completing the first 3-5- and possibly 7s in the first AMRAP. Each subsequent AMRAP we will come back in and pick-up where we left off. The goal here is to have our athletes work their way upwards of the round of 11 with that being a significant volume today where we will have hit 35 reps of Burpee Box Jump Overs and 35 Bar Muscle-Ups in the time frame. This means that upper body gymnastics density will definitely be tested, so pacing early is highly recommended.

Warm-up (No Measure)

400m Run


2 Sets

10 Scap Pull-ups

5 Push-ups

5 Ring Row


2-3 Pull-ups

5 Kip Swings

Warm-up (No Measure)

400m Run


2 Sets

10 Scap Pull-ups

5 Push-ups

5 Ring Row


2-3 Pull-ups

5 Kip Swings

Gymnastics (No Measure)

Bar Muscle-Ups Skill Work

Spend 10-15 minutes going through skill work here for the day

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


4 Sets


Buy in- 400m Run

w/ Remaining Time


Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”

Chest to Bar Pull-ups

rest 2:00 between


4 Sets


Buy in- 400m Run

w/ Remaining Time


Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”

Bar Muscle Ups

rest 2:00 between

*Pick-Up where you left off
Modify w/ strict pull-ups or banded strict chest to bar pul-ups

scoring example for today specifically. I finished the round of 11’s and for 5 burpee box jump overs

11 + 5

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

For Completion:

10:00 EMOM

Minute 1 – 4 Tempo Strict Pull Ups (3s negative, 2s hold at the top)

Minute 2 – 4 Tempo Strict Ring Dips (2s hold at the top, 3s negative)

*Use assistance if needed to maintain a perfect tempo.

Then, 6 Minute Tabata (:20 work/:10 rest):

Interval 1 – Banded Hammer Curls

Interval 2 – Banded Tricep Extensions

This will be 6 sets of each movement. The goal today is explosive, high cycle rate movement for both banded exercises.