5 Week Aerobic Conditioning Class Starts April 11th
Every Tuesday and Thursday Night
Focus on 2k Row and 5k Run, Improve Technique, Understand Energy Systems, and Personalized Paces for each session
Sign up at the front and ask Coach Matt for more details
CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Dynamic Warm Up x2 sets
25’ Segments
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Traveling Worlds Greatest Stretch
Lateral shuffle ( 25’ Each Direction )
Punters Kick
Inch Worm
10-15 High Box Jumps (not max effort please)
Metcon (Time)
10 Rounds for Time
100m Run
2 Wall Walk
10 Alternating DB Hang Snatch (50/35)
10 Rounds for Time
100m Run
25′ Handstand Walk
5 Devil Press
then core accessory:
tabata x10 rounds
20 on / 10 off
weighted Russian twist
3 sets
:30 side plank each side
100m Run is out the garage door and tape line towards middle of the front door