CrossFit – Wed, Jul 19

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Focus (No Measure)

The focus today is on aerobic development and pacing. We are looking to have athletes work at a controlled pace at the onset of this workout and steadily let the heart rate rise and pick up the pace. We are looking for a nice gradual increase of pace down to the final row. The workout has a greater emphasis on the run, so that is more where we would like to see the pace increased. This means that the 1000m and 750m should be paced a little more on the rower before hitting the final 500m with intensity. Focus on a quick and to the point warm-up in order to allow athletes to have the full time to hit this workout. If you are worried about enough rowers for class, this workout will work well as the run will take more time than the row today, so classes can just start on a 5:00 minute delay and that should help space things out.

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality

1:00 Row or 1:00 Shuttle Run

10 Alternating V-Ups

10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull

:15sec Wall Lean March

6/6 SL Glute Bridge w/pause

Metcon (Time)


For Time:

1600m Run

800m Row

1200m Run

600m Row

800m Run

400m Row


For Time:

2000m Run

1000m Row

1500m Run

750m Row

1000m Run

500m Row

Time Domain: 30:00-35:00 minutes

Time Cap: 40:00 Minutes
If we are a 10:00+ mile runner, cut the distances down to 1200, 800, 400, 200

Bonus Fitness (done in class if possible) (Time)

For Time:



Russian Twist (over and back = 1)

Hollow Hold (sec=rep)